
Showing posts from November, 2014

English Inflation Essay Urdu Price Hike in Pakistan Mehangai Essay Unemployment

Inflation Essay In English: Outline: 1. Introduction 2. Types of inflation in Pakistan 3. Causes of inflation in Pakistan 4. Impacts of inflation 5. How to control inflation Inflation has been termed as a many sided monster by the economists. The word inflation comes from inflate which means to risk artificially. Different scholars have put forward various definitions of inflation. According to Coulbonis it is a case of too much money chasing too few things. Edwards Shapiro says. A persistent and appreciable rise in the general level of prices is known as inflation. Inflation brings great misery and hardship for common people and salaried class is especially hard hit. Investment is curtailed and uncertain conditions prevail all over. It has been steadily building up since the world war-II. It is now a world wide phenomenon. It has assumed dangerous proportions and is a much discussed subject. According to economic survey 2002-03 The inflation rate in Pakistan was 3.3 percent. This is a

Qurani Falnama In Urdu Falnama English Fortune Teller in Islam Online Book

What is falnama in Islam? Falnama is known as fortune teller . We have many kind of fortune tellers available but at this time we will only post few Islamic fortune tellers. If you want to read all kind of fortune teller quiz then tell us about this because if lots of people will take interest about fortune tellers then we will publish more Qurani falnama books free for download here.  Falnama Is For What Purpose:  If you are going to start any project or want to buy new property or car, if you want to marry or if you have plans to study abroad and if you want to know about your life, in other words if you have to make a decision about anything and you don't know what will happen so you can use this falnama. Method For Viewing The Falnama: It is very simple, first of all do ablution then sit towards the Qibla and recite Surah Fatiha, close your eyes and think your question in your heart then place your finger in the below box and finally read the character on which you have

Neelam Stone Benefits Urdu Sapphire Stone Price Pakistan Amethyst Effects In Islam

Neelam Stone Benefits In English & Identify: Amethyststone is extremely elegant gemstone. Types of Sapphire: In terms of the colors of sapphire ancient experts divides it into green, blue and Reddish colors. Five types of sapphire is described in ancient books. (1) The Sapphire which is smaller in size and heavier in weight. (2) the sapphire, which is very flashy. (3) If you place it in front of the sun rays you will see blue color rays. (4) Silver and golden crystal rays comes out from this stone (5) If you will place it in a pot the pot will looks blue color pot. Indian jewellers says that real sapphire (neelam) will be a blue color stone. Place of Birth: Amethyst found in several countries including Sri Lanka , south- eastern part of Siam , Burma, Australia , Switzerland , United States and including Kashmir . Good sapphire is in Kashmir. Sapphire of Salon is also considered the best.   Sapphire Stone Benefits: If you have neelam stone ring and you want to