Benefits Ya Ghani Wazifa For Money In Urdu Ya Ghaniyu Meaning Ya Ghani Islamic Wazaif Dua
Al-Ghani - The Rich One: Allah is Ghani and the meaning of Ya Ghani is to have enough money and wealth that you don’t need to depend on others. Allah is the God of every one, HE have everything so HE don’t need anything from us but we depend on Allah. Allah is Ghani because HE listens everyone and gives them accordingly. Reciting benefits of Ya Ghaniyyu are mentioned below:
Process of Success In Shop/Business Wazifa:
Process of Success In Shop/Business Wazifa:
Ya Ghaniyu wazifa is very beneficial for success in business or shop. If a person have a shop whose is not running not he don’t gain as much income that satisfies his needs than if he recites this word for 11000 times in the morning after opening the shop and do this process for 1 year then Allah will help him and he will gain success in his business and gain profit.
Process of Prosperity In Income Wazifa:
Process of Prosperity In Income Wazifa:
If someone has complaint that whatever he earns has no prosperity then he must recite Ya Ghani for 11000 (eleven thousand times) in the morning or in the evening in a day and make this process as his daily routine then he will have prosperity in his income what he spend from his income will be in a good way.
Process How To Finish Poverty Wazifa:
Process How To Finish Poverty Wazifa:
A person who is stenosis from his poverty the if he recites Ya Ghaniyyu for 11000 times for 1 year then Allah will help him and finish his poverty. Allah gave him so much that his poverty will finish automatically.
Process To Become Rich From Poor:
Process To Become Rich From Poor:
The saying of a scholar is that recite Ya Ghani for 19000 times on every Thursday then Allah will bless that person with HIS blessings and give him a lot that he will become rich.
Process To Do Love Marriage Wazifa:
Process To Do Love Marriage Wazifa:
If a person wants to do love marriage in a fair way then if he recites Ya Ghaniu for love marriage for 6250 times for 21 days and ,then kept the phyl (naqsh) taweez of this Ya Ghani in his pocket then his lover will attract completely towards him and they will get married.
Process of phyl of Ya Ghaniyo Wazifa:
Process of phyl of Ya Ghaniyo Wazifa:
A person who recites Ya Ghaniyu at night for 12500 times for 40 days will became the scholar of Ya Ghani and then he can give the naqsh of Ya Ghani to others for the above listed or mentioned reasons.

tags:Ya Ghani wazifa for job in 3 days, wazifa for money in english to become rich, wazifa for job interview, money problems solutions, all these dua's are tried and tested and are very powerful for unemployed person for getting good job.
Ya Ghaniyu Wazifa In Urdu

tags:Ya Ghani wazifa for job in 3 days, wazifa for money in english to become rich, wazifa for job interview, money problems solutions, all these dua's are tried and tested and are very powerful for unemployed person for getting good job.
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