Mind Your Language Rules For A Working Place & School


Mind your language rules

Mind your language rules are very important to maintain a peaceful environment at any place. These rules should be pasted on the noticeboard of a working place and in schools. 

The "mind your language" rules can be eleborated in another way:

Do and Don't of "Mind Your Language" rules :

  • Do talk politely 
  • Do smile while talking
  • Do give attention to the person, you are talking to. 
  • Do have eye contact with a person you are talking
  • Do behave humble
  • Do behave sympathatic
  • Do use magic words thank you, sorry etc
  • Do respect the religious beliefs and political associations of others 
  • Do create comfortable environment with your language tone
  • Do use leveled tone while talking to others
  • Do respect the opinion of a person you are talking to. 

DONTS of "mind your language rules" 

  • Don't tell a lie
  • Don't use slang language 
  • Don't backbite
  • Don't hit religious beliefs of others with your comments
  • Don't pass derogatory remarks on the physical appearance of others
  • Don't pass derogatory remarks on financial or social status of others
  • Don't deliv in a juicy gossips
  • Don't spread rumors 
  • Don't behave arrogant 
  • Don't yell and shout
  • Don't cut the other person when they are talking
  • Don't impose your opinion or point of view on others

Here are self check "mind your language" rules for a school or any working place. 

  • Do I talk politely?
  • Do I smile while I talk? 
  • Do I give attention to a person I m talking to? 
  • Do I have an eye contact with a person, I m talking? 
  • Do I refrain using abusive language while talking? 
  • Do I avoid lying? 
  • Do I yell and shout? 

  • Do I avoid backbiting? 

  • Do I really know the meaning of backbiting is? 
  • Do I make fun of others or pass derogatory remarks on them? 
  • Do I brag and boast? 
  • Do I cut into other person's conversation? 
  • Do I complain too much? 
  • Do I impose my point of view on others? 
  • Do I love delving into juicy gossips? 

  • Do I spread rumors? 

  • Do I talk about things that are useless? 
  • Do I make unnecessary jokes all the time? 
  • Do I use my words carefully? 
  • Do I avoid using slang language at school? 
  • Do I use magic words like thank you, please etc. 
  • Does my talk shows empathy for others? 
  • Do I sound humble or arrogant? 

The above are mind your language rules for a  school or any working place. 

These are the language rules that every student should keep in mind being at a school. 

These rules makes every student accountable for his/her use, and tone of words. 

Every student should read and care for the above mind your language rules and school administration should discuss these rules with peers. 

These rules should be pasted on noticeboards of every classroom or any working place. 

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